
beau's configuration files
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kitty.conf (4348B)

      1 # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker
      3 font_family             monospace
      4 bold_font               auto
      5 italic_font             auto
      6 bold_italic_font        auto
      7 font_size               9.0
      9 window_border_width     0.5pt
     10 draw_minimal_borders    yes
     11 window_margin_width     0
     12 single_window_margin_width -1
     13 window_padding_width    3 3
     14 placement_strategy      center
     16 enable_audio_bell no
     17 visual_bell_duration 0.0
     19 dynamic_background_opacity no
     20 inactive_text_alpha 0.9
     21 dim_opacity 0.75
     23 mouse_hide_wait         -1
     25 scrollback_lines        2000
     26 scrollback_pager_history_size 4000
     28 copy_on_select          no
     29 strip_trailing_spaces   smart
     30 rectangle_select_modifiers ctrl+alt
     31 clipboard_control       write-clipboard write-primary
     33 allow_remote_control    yes
     34 close_on_child_death    no
     35 enabled_layouts         all
     37 kitty_mod               ctrl+shift
     39 open_url_modifiers      kitty_mod
     41 map kitty_mod+c         copy_to_clipboard
     42 map kitty_mod+v         paste_from_clipboard
     43 map kitty_mod+s         paste_from_selection
     44 map shift+insert        paste_from_selection
     45 map kitty_mod+o         pass_selection_to_program
     47 map kitty_mod+up        scroll_line_up
     48 map kitty_mod+k         scroll_line_up
     49 map kitty_mod+down      scroll_line_down
     50 map kitty_mod+j         scroll_line_down
     51 map kitty_mod+page_up   scroll_page_up
     52 map kitty_mod+page_down scroll_page_down
     53 map kitty_mod+home      scroll_home
     54 map kitty_mod+end       scroll_end
     55 map kitty_mod+h         show_scrollback
     57 map f1 launch --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback --stdin-add-formatting --type=overlay less +G -R
     59 map kitty_mod+enter     launch --cwd=current
     60 map kitty_mod+l         next_layout
     61 map kitty_mod+t         new_tab
     62 map kitty_mod+q         close_tab
     63 map kitty_mod+.         move_tab_forward
     64 map kitty_mod+,         move_tab_backward
     65 map kitty_mod+alt+t     set_tab_title
     66 map kitty_mod+]         next_tab
     67 map kitty_mod+[         previous_tab
     68 map kitty_mod+right     next_tab
     69 map kitty_mod+left      previous_tab
     70 map kitty_mod+1         goto_tab 1
     71 map kitty_mod+2         goto_tab 2 map kitty_mod+3         goto_tab 3
     72 map kitty_mod+4         goto_tab 4
     73 map kitty_mod+5         goto_tab 5
     74 map kitty_mod+6         goto_tab 6
     75 map kitty_mod+7         goto_tab 7
     76 map kitty_mod+8         goto_tab 8
     77 map kitty_mod+9         goto_tab 9
     78 map kitty_mod+0         goto_tab 0
     80 map F5 launch --location=hsplit
     81 map F6 launch --location=vsplit
     82 map F7 layout_action rotate
     84 map ctrl+left resize_window narrower
     85 map ctrl+right resize_window wider
     86 map ctrl+up resize_window taller
     87 map ctrl+down resize_window shorter 3
     89 map shift+left neighboring_window left
     90 map shift+right neighboring_window right
     91 map shift+up neighboring_window up
     92 map shift+down neighboring_window down
     94 map kitty_mod+up move_window up
     95 map kitty_mod+left move_window left
     96 map kitty_mod+right move_window right
     97 map kitty_mod+down move_window down
     99 map kitty_mod+equal     change_font_size all +2.0
    100 map kitty_mod+minus     change_font_size all -2.0
    101 map kitty_mod+backspace change_font_size all 0
    102 # map kitty_mod+f6       change_font_size all 10.0
    104 map kitty_mod+u         kitten unicode_input
    105 map kitty_mod+f2        edit_config_file
    106 map kitty_mod+escape    kitty_shell window
    108 map kitty_mod+e         kitten hints
    109 map kitty_mod+p>f       kitten hints --type path --program -
    110 map kitty_mod+p>shift+f kitten hints --type path
    111 map kitty_mod+p>l       kitten hints --type line --program -
    112 map kitty_mod+p>w       kitten hints --type word --program -
    113 map kitty_mod+p>h       kitten hints --type hash --program -
    114 map kitty_mod+p>n       kitten hints --type linenum
    115 map kitty_mod+p>y       kitten hints --type hyperlink
    117 include ./kitty-selenized-black.conf
    119 #: Keyboard shortcuts {{{
    120 #: For a list of key names, see: the GLFW key macros
    121 #: <>.
    122 #: The name to use is the part after the GLFW_KEY_ prefix. For a list
    123 #: of modifier names, see: GLFW mods
    124 #: <>
    125 #: On Linux you can also use XKB key names to bind keys that are not
    126 #: supported by GLFW. See XKB keys
    127 #: <
    128 #: keysyms.h> for a list of key names. The name to use is the part
    129 #: after the XKB_KEY_ prefix. Note that you can only use an XKB key
    130 #: name for keys that are not known as GLFW keys.