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index.html (5225B)

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3  <head>
      4   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" type="text/css">
      5   <meta charset="utf-8">
      6   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      7   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      8   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">
      9   <link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🏕️</text></svg>">
     10   <title></title>
     11  </head>
     12  <body>
     13   <div id="page-wrapper">
     14    <div id="header" role="banner">
     15     <header class="banner">
     16      <div id="banner-text">
     17       <span class="banner-title"><a href="/">beauhilton</a></span>
     18      </div>
     19     </header>
     20     <nav>
     21      <a href="/about">about</a>
     22 <a href="/now">now</a>
     23 <a href="/thanks">thanks</a>
     24 <a href="/posts">posts</a>
     25 <a href="">notes</a>
     26 <a href="">talks</a>
     27 <a href="">git</a>
     28 <a href="/contact">contact</a>
     29 <a href="/atom.xml">rss</a>
     30     </nav>
     31    </div>
     32    <main>
     33     <h1>
     34      Colophon
     35     </h1>
     36     <p>
     37      This site is hosted on an <a href="">OpenBSD</a> server on <a href="">vultr</a>, built using plain text files
     38 processed by <a href="">soupault</a> and auto-<a href="">rsync’d</a> to the server as
     39 part of a pre-commit hook.
     40     </p>
     41     <p>
     42      The source files are available on <a href="">my git server</a> and <a href="">GitHub</a>.
     43     </p>
     44     <p>
     45      I also use <a href="">entr</a> (on
     46 Nix) or <a href="">caretaker</a> (on
     47 Arch) during development to auto-rebuild as I edit the source files.
     48     </p>
     49     <p>
     50      Regarding the design, the focus is on simplicity and a small
     51 footprint. It’s the kind thing to do, for the user and the planet. No
     52 Javascript, just static HTML. I used to specify fonts, e.g. one of my
     53 favorites, <a href="">IBM Plex</a>, but in an
     54 effort to keep things light and tidy, I now just use system fonts.
     55     </p>
     56     <p>
     57      <a href=""></a> and
     58 <a href=""></a>
     59 are not part of the website proper, but are rather generated using
     60 GitHub Pages. The talks are built using <a href="">slidev</a>, which translates markdown files into
     61 beautiful web-first slide decks (I now only use PowerPoint under great
     62 duress), and the notes use <a href="">quartz</a>, which translates <a href="">Obsidian</a>-style markdown files (see a
     63 theme here?) into a website of interconnected notes a la <a href="">Zettelkasten</a>.
     64     </p>
     65     <h2>
     66      Nix Workflow
     67     </h2>
     68     <p>
     69      As of 2023-10-10 or so, I use a Nix-based workflow with flakes and <a href=""></a>. The basic steps are similar to
     70 what is included below in the Non-Nix section, though more conveniently
     71 packaged and portable.
     72     </p>
     73     <p>
     74      It’s delightful.
     75     </p>
     76     <p>
     77      I may write it up at some point, but for now, look at <a href="">flake.nix</a>
     78 in the source code. One of the great things about Nix is that it’s
     79 self-documenting and self-contained.
     80     </p>
     81     <p>
     82      On my non-Nix laptop running Arch, I still use the workflow below,
     83 though at some point I’ll probably install Nix on Arch and unify my
     84 approach.
     85     </p>
     86     <h2>
     87      Non-Nix Workflow
     88     </h2>
     89     <p>
     90      The workflow is terminal-based and pretty basic.
     91     </p>
     92     <p>
     93      It amounts to:
     94     </p>
     95     <pre tabindex="0"><code class="language-shell">cd src/site
     96 ./
     97 $EDITOR site/
     98 </code></pre>
     99     <p>
    100      <code></code> contains the following:
    101     </p>
    102     <pre tabindex="0"><code class="language-shell">$TERMINAL -e caretaker &amp;&gt;/dev/null &amp; disown
    103 $TERMINAL -e python3 -m http.server --directory build &amp;&gt;/dev/null &amp; disown
    104 $TERMINAL -e $BROWSER http://localhost:8000 &amp;&gt;/dev/null &amp; disown
    105 </code></pre>
    106     <p>
    107      This will open three new terminals running: a caretaker instance for
    108 auto-rebuild (I recently activated caching in soupault, rebuilds are
    109 lightning quick), a web server for preview, and a browser pointing to
    110 the server.
    111     </p>
    112     <p>
    113      At that point I will usually throw the terminals running the server
    114 and <code>caretaker</code> to another desktop to achieve a clean editing
    115 environment.
    116     </p>
    117     <p>
    118      When it’s ready to go live, I use an alias called <code>glazy</code>:
    119 <code>git add . &amp;&amp; git commit -m "update" &amp;&amp; git push</code>.
    120 This will trigger the pre-commit hook, which rebuilds the site again and
    121 activates rsync to send the built site to the web server, before pushing
    122 the source files to GitHub and my git server.
    123     </p>
    124    </main>
    125    <div id="footnotes"></div>
    126    <footer></footer>
    127   </div>
    128  </body>
    129 </html>