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index.html (2136B)

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3  <head>
      4   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" type="text/css">
      5   <meta charset="utf-8">
      6   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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      9   <link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🏕️</text></svg>">
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     17       <span class="banner-title"><a href="/">beauhilton</a></span>
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     19     </header>
     20     <nav>
     21      <a href="/about">about</a>
     22 <a href="/now">now</a>
     23 <a href="/thanks">thanks</a>
     24 <a href="/posts">posts</a>
     25 <a href="">notes</a>
     26 <a href="">talks</a>
     27 <a href="">git</a>
     28 <a href="/contact">contact</a>
     29 <a href="/atom.xml">rss</a>
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     32    <main>
     33     <br>
     34   Hi there. My name is Beau Hilton. 
     35 <br>
     36 <br>
     37   I'm a cancer doctor and data scientist.
     38 <br>
     39 <br>
     40   The <a href="/thanks">thanks page</a> is the most interesting thing on this website.
     41 <br>
     42 <br>
     43   For a quick personal update, see the
     44   <a href="/now">now</a> page.
     45 <br>
     46 <br>
     47   For a bit more depth, see the
     48   <a href="/about">about</a> page.
     49   It has extended summaries of major projects, 
     50   and a few links at the bottom to things folks on the internet often like to know about.
     51 <br>
     52 <br>
     53   You can also see 
     54   <a href="/posts">blog posts</a>,
     55   <a href="">notes</a>,
     56   slides from public <a href="">talks</a>, 
     57   and <a href="">code</a> for personal projects and configuration 
     58   (<a href="">GitHub</a> has more of my public projects).
     59 <br>
     60 <br>
     61   I'd love to chat. 
     62   Don't hesitate to <a href="/contact">reach out</a>.
     63    </main>
     64    <div id="footnotes"></div>
     65    <footer></footer>
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     68 </html>