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     33     <h1>
     34      Intake presentation on candidal esophagitis
     35     </h1>
     36     <p>
     37      <time id="post-date">2022-03-25</time>
     38     </p>
     39     <h2>
     40      cc: trouble swallowing and weight loss
     41     </h2>
     42     <p>
     43      28M w few weeks of trouble swallowing (gets stuck “right here,”
     44 points to mid-sternum), solid/liquids same, gradual over months-weeks,
     45 some vomiting w/o specific timing. Sometimes has pain when not eating.
     46 20lb weight loss over months. No skin lesions. ?thrush.
     47     </p>
     48     <h2>
     49      PMHx/PSHx
     50     </h2>
     51     <p>
     52      dx BPD, no other dx or procedures
     53     </p>
     54     <h2>
     55      SHx
     56     </h2>
     57     <ul>
     58      <li>
     59       MSM w occasional use of protection, no PrEP
     60      </li>
     61      <li>
     62       occ MJ use, no other substances
     63      </li>
     64      <li>
     65       unemployed, lives w mom
     66      </li>
     67      <li>
     68       no unusual hobbies or travel
     69      </li>
     70     </ul>
     71     <h2>
     72      PE
     73     </h2>
     74     <p>
     75      HR 100, SBP 80 -&gt; 100 w 500mL LR, AF cachectic (temporal,
     76 hypothenar wasting) +skin tenting diffuse abd tenderness
     77     </p>
     78     <h2>
     79      w/u
     80     </h2>
     81     <p>
     82      Hgb 10, MCV 88, WBC ~4, ANC 1500 BMP wnl Alb 3.4 HIV+, VL 15k, rest
     83 of STI -ve
     84     </p>
     85     <p>
     86      CXR wnl (AP and lateral)
     87     </p>
     88     <h2>
     89      dx
     90     </h2>
     91     <p id="post-excerpt">
     92      candidal esophagitis, achalasia, H Pylori PUD
     93     </p>
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