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     33     <h1>
     34      Playing with ColBERTV2 Embeddings and Retrieval
     35     </h1>
     36     <p>
     37      <time id="post-date">2024-05-09</time>
     38     </p>
     39     <p id="post-excerpt">
     40      There are a lot of embedding models out there for LLMs.
     41   ColbertV2 is a neat one.
     42   Here are some thoughts and code examples.
     43     </p>
     44     <h2>
     45      ColbertV2
     46     </h2>
     47     <p>
     48      The way you shove data into any embedding model can make a
     49 difference, and ColBERT is no different. I started off just giving it an
     50 html file with the entirety of a website (<a href="">vimbook’s print-site
     51 one-pager</a>). This had a bunch of junk that wasn’t needed, which
     52 occasionally affected the
     53     </p>
     54     <p>
     55      <a href="">sqlite-utils
     56 insert-files</a>
     57     </p>
     58     <p>
     59      Multiline script example:
     60     </p>
     61     <pre tabindex="0"><code class="language-sh"><span class="hl slc"># enable multilib - see link below</span>
     62 paru <span class="hl slc"># make sure things are up to date generally</span>
     63 paru <span class="hl kwb">-S</span> android<span class="hl kwb">-tools</span> android<span class="hl kwb">-sdk-build-tools</span> <span class="hl slc"># includes adb and other goodies</span>
     64 reboot
     65 </code></pre>
     66     <p>
     67      Image example: <img src="/images/ncmpcpp-mopidy-selector.png" alt="Source selection">
     68     </p>
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