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     32     <h1>
     33      Set Up Enterprise Wifi on Arch Linux
     34     </h1>
     35     <p>
     36      <time id="post-date">2021-09-17</time>
     37     </p>
     38     <p id="post-excerpt">
     39      Most big institutions have guest and employee wifi networks.
     40 Guest wifi is usually fine, fast enough for the basics,
     41 but far inferior to employee wifi.
     42 On a custom-built OS, such as a fairly minimalist Linux distribution, 
     43 getting the employee wifi to work
     44 can be a beast.
     45     </p>
     46     <p>
     47      This was a little tricky to get working but very worth it, so here’s
     48 an outline, mostly for my own later benefit.
     49     </p>
     50     <p></p>
     51     <p>
     52      This post is specific to <a href="">VUMC</a>,
     53 with the VUMCEmployee network.
     54     </p>
     55     <p>
     56      Similar steps should be applicable for other enterprise wifi users,
     57 though this post will unquestionably be out of date before long, and the
     58 intricacies of enterprise wifi are infinite.
     59     </p>
     60     <h2>
     61      VUMCGuest is fine
     62     </h2>
     63     <p>
     64      As with other public networks at large institutions, VUMCGuest is
     65 just a little slow and finicky, and it’s annoying to have to
     66 re-authenticate repeatedly to use all the HIPAA-compliant things.
     67     </p>
     68     <h2>
     69      VUMCEmployee is better
     70     </h2>
     71     <p>
     72      I’ll probably put a screenshot here at some point comparing speedtest
     73 scores. VUMCEmployee gives over 100 Mbps down, and around 100 up.
     74     </p>
     75     <p>
     76      It’s also more stable, and latency is around 10ms.
     77     </p>
     78     <p>
     79      Most practical gain, other than faster everything: When I use
     80 VUMCGuest, the keyboard shortcut I use to launch and automatically login
     81 to Epic only works intermittently. On VUMCEmployee, it works reliably.
     82 No more typing! It’s faster and, again, more reliable than tapping the
     83 badge-readers at the VUMC workstations.
     84     </p>
     85     <h2>
     86      Backend
     87     </h2>
     88     <p>
     89      The personal networking stack of greatest beauty on Linux at this
     90 point is:
     91     </p>
     92     <p>
     93      <code>systemd-networkd</code> +<code>systemd-resolved</code> +
     94 <code>iwd</code>
     95     </p>
     96     <p>
     97      Disable and delete <code>NetworkManager</code> and other such
     98 nonsense, if you are unwise like me and installed conflicting and
     99 useless things.
    100     </p>
    101     <p>
    102      If you’d like a GUI, <a href="">iwgtk</a> is nice, but the CLI
    103 shipped with <code>iwd</code> (<code>iwctl</code>) is intuitive,
    104 friendly, and well-documented. I keep the GUI version around for quickly
    105 checking on things via a keyboard shortcut, but use the CLI for any
    106 heavy lifting, which has thankfully become rare since landing on this
    107 setup.
    108     </p>
    109     <h2>
    110      Start with VUMCEmployeeSetup
    111     </h2>
    112     <p>
    113      First, log on to the VUMCEmployeeSetup wifi. Then navigate to one of
    114 my favorite websites, <a href=""></a>. This will force
    115 the redirect to the VUMCEmployee enrollment page (I also use this site
    116 for connecting to public wifi at airports, libraries, coffee shops,
    117 etc.). Agree to the terms and conditions. Then click the “Show all
    118 operating systems” link at the bottom, followed by the “Other Operating
    119 Systems” tab that pops up at the bottom of the list.
    120     </p>
    121     <p>
    122      The “Other Operating Systems” tab has three steps listed, which are
    123 simply the pieces that the various installers put together for you. The
    124 first two are downloads for certificates, and the third is a
    125 template.
    126     </p>
    127     <p>
    128      Finding this tab was the gold mine - initially I repackaged one of
    129 the other Linux installers for Arch, because I thought that (since there
    130 was an installer) the process must be complicated, and repackaging
    131 things from Debian-based systems for Arch-based systems is easy enough.
    132 The repackaged version of the installer was decent at first, but it
    133 turns out that the manual process is easier and more reliable. I also
    134 learned more about enterprise networks in the process, which was an
    135 added bonus (I’m honestly not sure about the sarcasm:sincerity ratio in
    136 the previous sentence).
    137     </p>
    138     <p>
    139      Download the <code>PEM</code> files listed under Steps 1 (root
    140 certificate) and 2 (client certificate).
    141     </p>
    142     <h2>
    143      Make your own <code>iwd</code> profile
    144     </h2>
    145     <p>
    146      Here’s where it goes:
    147 <code>/var/lib/iwd/VUMCEmployee.8021x</code>
    148     </p>
    149     <p>
    150      Below are the contents, sensitive info redacted, then we’ll go
    151 through some of the key parts and one nicety.
    152     </p>
    153     <pre tabindex="0"><code class="language-toml"><span class="hl kwa">[IPv6]</span>
    154 <span class="hl kwb">Enabled</span><span class="hl opt">=</span><span class="hl kwd">true</span>
    156 <span class="hl kwa">[Security]</span>
    157 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-Method</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>PEAP
    158 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-Identity</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>username
    159 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-PEAP-CACert</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>embed<span class="hl opt">:</span>root_cert
    160 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-PEAP-ServerDomainMask</span><span class="hl opt">=*</span>
    161 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Method</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>MSCHAPV2
    162 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Identity</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>username
    163 <span class="hl kwb">EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Password</span><span class="hl opt">=</span>password
    165 <span class="hl kwa">[Settings]</span>
    166 <span class="hl kwb">AutoConnect</span><span class="hl opt">=</span><span class="hl kwd">true</span>
    168 <span class="hl kwa">[@pem@root_cert]</span>
    169 <span class="hl opt">-----</span>BEGIN CERTIFICATE<span class="hl opt">-----</span>
    170 <span class="hl opt">*</span>lots of gobbledigook goes here<span class="hl opt">*</span>
    171 <span class="hl opt">-----</span>END CERTIFICATE<span class="hl opt">-----</span>
    172 </code></pre>
    173     <p>
    174      Most of these options are outlined in Step 3 from the
    175 VUMCEmployeeSetup, cross-referenced against the Arch Wiki page on
    176 <code>iwd</code>, subsection <a href="">Network
    177 configuration</a>, and the <a href=""><code>iwd</code>
    178 wiki proper</a>.
    179     </p>
    180     <p>
    181      An easy-to-miss step: The <code>EAP-PEAP-Phase2-Method</code>
    182 requirement for <code>MSCHAPV2</code> leads to another required install,
    183 check the wiki for current instructions.
    184     </p>
    185     <p>
    186      Put in your own username and password.
    187     </p>
    188     <p>
    189      My favorite trick in this file is directly embedding the root
    190 certificate in the line <code>EAP-PEAP-CACert=</code> with the syntax
    191 <code>embed:root_cert</code> (any name is fine, doesn’t have to be
    192 <code>root_cert</code>, it’s just a pointer). Then you add a definition
    193 of <code>root_cert</code> in a <code>[@pem@root_cert]</code> section.
    194 Insert the contents of the root certificate directly via copy-paste or
    195 <code>cat</code>, etc.
    196     </p>
    197     <p>
    198      Easiest method, as root:
    199     </p>
    200     <pre tabindex="0"><code class="language-shell">cat /home/beau/dl/root_cert.PEM &gt;&gt; /var/lib/iwd/VUMCEmployee.8021x
    201 </code></pre>
    202     <p>
    203      With the direct embed method, you don’t need to point to the root
    204 certificate file or keep it around at all.
    205     </p>
    206     <p>
    207      Needless to say, <code>VUMCEmployee.8021x</code> is a sensitive file
    208 and should be protected appropriately. However, this file or a version
    209 of it is what the automated tools would have made anyway, so there’s no
    210 special risk here - AND since you did it all yourself you know there was
    211 no funny business coming from a black-box installer.
    212     </p>
    213     <h2>
    214      The other certificate (Client)
    215     </h2>
    216     <p>
    217      I can’t remember what I had to do with the client cert, probably
    218 added using the Chrome/Firefox certificate managers.
    219     </p>
    220     <p>
    221      I had to do this before when getting set up for VA remote access, the
    222 Arch Wiki comes through again with an article on <a href="">Common Access
    223 Cards</a> that includes instructions on adding certs to browsers.
    224     </p>
    225     <p>
    226      There’s a chance it’s not even needed? The <a href="">specification</a>
    227 no longer supports adding a client cert field without a key, which I
    228 don’t have, and do not, apparently, need (see the section “EAP-PEAP with
    229 tunneled EAP-MSCHAPV2”). At any rate, this setup is working now and I
    230 won’t futz with it further until something breaks.
    231     </p>
    232     <h2>
    233      -&gt; ~~Profit~~ Prosper
    234     </h2>
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