2021-09-16-kennedy-breast-cancer-clinic.md (1001B)
1 # Laura Kennedy, MD PhD 2 3 ## 2021-09-16 clinic 4 5 ### 01 6 7 - +FHx breast cancer 8 - TLH-BSO 2014 9 - colo 2018 w TA, next 2021 10 - Cr <1 11 - LFTs wnl 12 - Ca 9.8 13 - Hgb 15.3 14 - WBC 6.4 15 - Plt 295 16 17 - mammo b/l w tomo: 18 - prior 2018, wnl? 19 - density category C: heterogenous 20 - R breast 9 o'clock 7.8cm from nipple, +developing asymmetry 21 - BI-RADS 0 (incomplete) 22 23 - US b/l 24 - scattered fibrocystic changes 25 - L axillary lymphadenopathy, ?d/t COVID-19 vax 26 - BI-RADS 3 (probably benign, <2%) 27 - Note: This score of 3 was assigned because the patient had just had her COVID-19 vaccine, and axillary lymphadenopathy is a normal finding in this setting. It would have been BI-RADS 4 otherwise. From an urgency standpoint, the gap between 3 and 4 28 29 - LNBx: L axilla 30 - +ER, +PR, E-cadherin mostly -ve (<5%) 31 - pathologist favors mILC 32 33 - MRI breast wwo 34 - L scattered enhancement, no definitive masses 35 - L axillary adenopathy -> subpectoral deep nodes and superior mediastinum 36 - BI-RADS 6 (biopsy-proven cancer)