2018_learning_sci_immersive_vr.md (724B)
1 # VR vs not-VR for learning 2 :teach: 3 4 ## multimedia learning 5 - learn from words and pictures 6 7 ## coherence principle 8 - people learn better when extraneous words are excluded 9 - not just words, but details (e.g. cartoons can work better than photographs in certain settings) 10 - what is extraneous depends on context and learning goal 11 12 ## segmenting principle 13 - people learn better in user-directed segments 14 15 ## generative learning theory 16 - selecting, organizing, integrating 17 18 ## add a feature 19 - have people step in and out of the game to process (e.g. give them a worksheet to fill out as they play the game) 20 21 22 # some thoughts 23 - autotune 24 - apples vs apples (brought up repeatedly by the authors) 25 Sun 17 Nov 2019 10:23:05 AM CST