
suckless dynamic window manager
git clone https://git.beauhilton.com/dwm.git
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dwm.1 (4972B)

      1 .TH DWM 1 dwm\-VERSION
      2 .SH NAME
      3 dwm \- dynamic window manager (Luke Smith <https://lukesmith.xyz>'s build)
      4 .SH SYNOPSIS
      5 .B dwm
      6 .RB [ \-v ]
      8 dwm is a dynamic window manager for X.
      9 .P
     10 dwm "orders" windows based on recency and primacy, while dwm layouts may
     11 change, the most recent "master" window is shown in the most prominent
     12 position. There are bindings for cycling through and promoting windows to the
     13 master position.
     14 .P
     15 Windows are grouped by tags. Each window can be tagged with one or multiple
     16 tags. Selecting certain tags displays all windows with these tags.
     17 .P
     18 Each screen contains a small status bar which displays all available tags, the
     19 layout, the title of the focused window, and the text read from the root window
     20 name property, if the screen is focused. A floating window is indicated with an
     21 empty square and a maximised floating window is indicated with a filled square
     22 before the windows title.  The selected tags are indicated with a different
     23 color. The tags of the focused window are indicated with a filled square in the
     24 top left corner.  The tags which are applied to one or more windows are
     25 indicated with an empty square in the top left corner.
     26 .P
     27 dwm draws a small border around windows to indicate the focus state.
     28 .P
     29 .I
     30 libxft-bgra
     31 should be installed for this build of dwm. Arch users may install it via the
     32 AUR. Color characters and emoji are inabled, but these will cause crashes
     33 without the fix
     34 .I
     35 libxft-bgra
     36 offers.
     37 .SH OPTIONS
     38 .TP
     39 .B \-v
     40 prints version information to standard output, then exits.
     41 .SH USAGE
     42 .SS Status bar
     43 .TP
     44 .B X root window name
     45 is read and displayed in the status text area. It can be set with the
     46 .BR xsetroot (1)
     47 command.
     48 .TP
     49 .B Left click
     50 click on a tag label to display all windows with that tag, click on the layout
     51 label toggles between tiled and floating layout.
     52 .TP
     53 .B Right click
     54 click on a tag label adds/removes all windows with that tag to/from the view.
     55 .TP
     56 .B Super\-Left click
     57 click on a tag label applies that tag to the focused window.
     58 .TP
     59 .B Super\-Right click
     60 click on a tag label adds/removes that tag to/from the focused window.
     61 .SS Keyboard commands
     62 .TP
     63 .B Super\-Return
     64 Start terminal,
     65 .BR st(1).
     66 .TP
     67 .B Super\-d
     68 Spawn
     69 .BR dmenu(1)
     70 for launching other programs.
     71 .TP
     72 .B Super\-b
     73 Toggles bar on and off.
     74 .TP
     75 .B Super\-q
     76 Close focused window.
     77 .TP
     78 .B Super\-t
     79 Sets tiled layout.
     80 .TP
     81 .B Super\-f
     82 Toggle fullscreen window.
     83 .TP
     84 .B Super\-y
     85 Sets Fibonacci spiral layout.
     86 .TP
     87 .B Super\-u
     88 Sets centered master layout.
     89 .TP
     90 .B Super\-i
     91 Sets floating centered master layout.
     92 .TP
     93 .B Super\-space
     94 Zooms/cycles focused window to/from master area (tiled layouts only).
     95 .TP
     96 .B Super\-j/k
     97 Focus next/previous window.
     98 .TP
     99 .B Super\-Shift\-j/k
    100 Move selected window down/up in stack.
    101 .TP
    102 .B Super\-o
    103 Increase number of windows in master area.
    104 .TP
    105 .B Super\-Shift\-o
    106 Decrease number of windows in master area.
    107 .TP
    108 .B Super\-l
    109 Increase master area size.
    110 .TP
    111 .B Super\-h
    112 Decrease master area size.
    113 .TP
    114 .B Super\-Shift\-space
    115 Toggle focused window between tiled and floating state.
    116 .TP
    117 .B Super\-Tab
    118 Toggles to the previously selected tags.
    119 .TP
    120 .B Super\-Shift\-[1..n]
    121 Apply nth tag to focused window.
    122 .TP
    123 .B Super\-Shift\-0
    124 Apply all tags to focused window.
    125 .TP
    126 .B Super\-Control\-Shift\-[1..n]
    127 Add/remove nth tag to/from focused window.
    128 .TP
    129 .B Super\-[1..n]
    130 View all windows with nth tag.
    131 .TP
    132 .B Super\-0
    133 View all windows with any tag.
    134 .TP
    135 .B Super\-Control\-[1..n]
    136 Add/remove all windows with nth tag to/from the view.
    137 .TP
    138 .B Super\-Shift\-q
    139 Quit dwm.
    140 .TP
    141 .B Mod1\-Control\-Shift\-q
    142 Restart dwm.
    143 .SS Mouse commands
    144 .TP
    145 .B Super\-Left click
    146 Move focused window while dragging. Tiled windows will be toggled to the floating state.
    147 .TP
    148 .B Super\-Middle click
    149 Toggles focused window between floating and tiled state.
    150 .TP
    151 .B Super\-Right click
    152 Resize focused window while dragging. Tiled windows will be toggled to the floating state.
    154 dwm is customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source
    155 code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple.
    156 .SH SIGNALS
    157 .TP
    158 .B SIGHUP - 1
    159 Restart the dwm process.
    160 .TP
    161 .B SIGTERM - 15
    162 Cleanly terminate the dwm process.
    163 .SH SEE ALSO
    164 .BR dmenu (1),
    165 .BR st (1)
    166 .SH ISSUES
    167 Java applications which use the XToolkit/XAWT backend may draw grey windows
    168 only. The XToolkit/XAWT backend breaks ICCCM-compliance in recent JDK 1.5 and early
    169 JDK 1.6 versions, because it assumes a reparenting window manager. Possible workarounds
    170 are using JDK 1.4 (which doesn't contain the XToolkit/XAWT backend) or setting the
    171 environment variable
    172 .BR AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
    173 (to use the older Motif backend instead) or running
    174 .B xprop -root -f _NET_WM_NAME 32a -set _NET_WM_NAME LG3D
    175 or
    176 .B wmname LG3D
    177 (to pretend that a non-reparenting window manager is running that the
    178 XToolkit/XAWT backend can recognize) or when using OpenJDK setting the environment variable
    180 .SH BUGS
    181 Send all bug reports with a patch to hackers@suckless.org.