commit 5b4d4872efaa7d941ee9af6e2dd623808d972608
parent 75cb65f38a386cbecee2ce195e92bf0e71e46956
Author: Beau <>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:56:36 -0500
aldo lecture
1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/learn/ b/learn/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Adrenal disorders
+Dr Mona Mashayekhi MD, PhD
+## Overview of adrenal insufficiency
+| | ACTH | Cortisol | Aldosterone | Renin | DHEA | Na | K | ACTH stim |
+| Primary | high | low | low | high | low | low |high | nonreactive |
+| Central | low | low | wnl | wnl | low-normal*| low** | wnl | reactive $ |
+\* DHEA has some response to ACTH
+\*\* via DDAVP, less extreme hypoNa compared to primary
+$ if longstanding central process, ACTH stim will *not* be normal d/t atrophy
+Sheehan - ACTH zero, cortisol zero, ACTH stim will be normal (no time yet for atrophy)
+## Primary adrenal insufficiency
+post-op, infx, hemorrhage, mets, autoimmune
+## Secondary adrenal insufficiency (central)
+E.g. chronic steroids (causes 1, 2, 3 of AI are iatrogenic d/t steroid use), Sheehans
+### Sx
+ACTH cleaved to POMC, melanocortin -> hyperpigmentation (palms more specific)
+Electrolyte abnormalities - aldosterone problems (ENAC -> K up, Na down, also some vessel tonicity -> HoTN)
+### Primary AI tx
+Prefer hydrocortisone,
+as has short half-life and allows closer mimicry of physiologic levels.
+Higher AM dose, lower PM dose.
+Relative half-lives and physiologic doses of steroids:
+| | dose | t 1/2 |
+| dex | 0.25mg | +++ |
+| pred | 4mg | ++ |
+| hydro | ? | + |
+## Primary hyperaldosteronism
+Common, should suspect if low K and resistant HTN.
+Many BP meds modulate HPA axis in some way or another,
+practically only MRAs are considered sufficiently problematic to interfere with standard testing.
+Start with aldo/renin ratio.
+### Primary hyperaldosteronism tx
+Primary therapy is surgical.
+MRA therapy can be helpful,
+but does not prevent other effect of unopposed aldosterone (e.g. cardiac),
+so preferred when pts are not surgical candidates.
+For maximum effectiveness, titrate MRA dose to level of renin.
+Adrenal venous sampling (AVS) - done by interventional radiology, highly specialized even within IR.
+So some places, if <40yo, will just use CT evidence of nodule to justify removal.
+(if >40yo, high likelihood of benign adenoma)